Green House

Environmental protection, healthy living and sustainable building are central issues of the current time. A roof and facade greening contributes to the improvement of the ecological aspects. (tdx) Today, the ecological requirements of a building are characterized by the tasks, to conserve the biological resources and to bequeath to future generations a livable and intact environment. As an intervention in the situation represents any physical action, the combination of a building with natural components is an appropriate measure to protect the environment, to ensure sustainability and to create a healthy climate in the working and living environment. The professional green building Association (FBB) recommends roof and facade greening, as already every single measure locally positive affects on the micro-climate. Due to the population density in the urban space and waste heat from traffic, industry and domestic heating, many centres become heat islands in the summer. Especially the missing night-time cooling charged the health City population.

Green roofs and facades can relieve this excess energy by means of absorption and evaporation of water and make the climate so more bearable. A green roof protects the waterproofing from extreme weather conditions, UV radiation and mechanical stress. Over the years, it comes to less fatigue, cracking and leakage: the life of the seal can easily double, as the FBB has stated. Also the noise is reduced noticeably since is reduces the sound reflection of the roof and facade surface and improves the sound insulation inside the building. In summer, the temperature peaks belong to the past, because an attic apartment reaches the temperature of the ground floor in a Green House. A green roof or a clad facade are mainly in urban areas, additional ecological compensation areas serve as habitats. Birds, wild bees, butterflies, and ground beetles find food and shelter. Improve plant also the air quality sustainably – they filter out dust and pollutant particles from the air.

But also nitrate and other substances contained in air and precipitation are captured and recycled. Depending on the type 50-90% of the precipitation can be held back a building green and returned via evaporation directly in the natural water cycle. The benefits of building green are tangible for the people spur-, and visible. Builders who opt for a building green can combine ecology and economy in the sense of environmental protection, sustainability and health. The entire concept creates numerous positive effects and provides a focal point through its attractive appearance.